Saturday, October 26, 2019

Song Recommendations

After listening to J-pop songs this あきやすみ、I found a few songs that I liked and wanted to share.
Best Friend by Kiroro is a great song to listen to because this artist has really nice articulation so it is very easy to follow the lyrics. I found that a lot of J-pop songs have very wholesome lyrics and they are very relaxing. 

未来へ(みらいへ) by Kiroro is one of the songs my mom introduced to me. I really like this song because it talks about a mother being excited to show her child her future. 

Another song I enjoyed listening to is もののけ姫(もののけ=bad spirit, ひめ=princessby 米良美一 (めら よしかず). The vocalist has such a diverse range that it gave me chills listening to it. This song is from a Studio Ghibli film, Princess Mononoke, and I remember watching this when I younger. 

Saturday, October 5, 2019

My Hometown

わたしは ハワイしゅうの ホノルルから きました。
わたしのまちは おおきくないです。
でも、やまは(mountains surrounding my hometown)  とても たかいです。
そして、わたしのまちは きれいです。