Monday, May 10, 2021


 I enjoy reading GOMI TARO books in Tadoku class so I decided to watch some animated videos over the weekend. Not only are the images so colorful and fun, but I also like the onomatopoeic books. These books are really accessible for second language learners and I would encourage anyone to take a look at some of the videos!

Through the images, the readers get a glimpse of cultural knowledge, such as etiquette on trains. Since a lot of the books use onomatopoeia, it helps second language learners to familiarize themselves with the sounds and intonations in Japanese. 

His books are so popular that some are translated into English!

Sunday, May 2, 2021

おかあさん といっしょ!


おかあさん といっしょ is a children's program that has simple skits that are really animated. I enjoyed taking a break from my school work and watching this show.

I didn't use subtitles while watching this but since it's a TV show geared towards young children, I was able to understand it pretty clearly.  

This is the first time watching a Japanese children's program and I think I will start watching more! They are nostalgic and easy to flow when I have free time!